Sunday, January 24, 2016

Fox Sparrow

Fox Sparrows spend a lot of time on the ground, using their sturdy legs to kick away leaf litter in search of insects and seeds.
Fox Sparrows are named for the rich red hues that many Fox Sparrows wear.
"Winter storm "Jonas" brought a special guest to my feeders. With food hard to find in the snow, I place bird seeds on the ground for them."

Friday, January 22, 2016

Red-bellied Woodpeckers

Red-bellied Woodpeckers are pale, medium-sized woodpeckers common in forests of the East. Their strikingly barred backs and gleaming red caps make them an unforgettable sight – just resist the temptation to call them Red-headed Woodpeckers.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Common Raven

The Common Raven is an acrobatic flier, often doing rolls and somersaults in the air. One bird was seen flying upside down for more than a half-mile.
Ravens are among the smartest of all birds, gaining a reputation for solving ever more complicated problems invented by ever more creative scientists.
Edgar Allan Poe clearly found them a little creepy. The captive ravens at the Tower of London are beloved and perhaps a little feared: legend has it that if they ever leave the tower, the British Empire will crumble. Native people of the Pacific Northwest regard the raven as an incurable trickster, bringing fire to people by stealing it from the sun, and stealing salmon only to drop them in rivers all over the world.
Common Ravens can mimic the calls of other bird species. When raised in captivity, they can even imitate human words; one Common Raven raised from birth was taught to mimic the word “nevermore.”

"This pair with the help of "close friends" were seen harassing a Golden Eagle in Burkes Garden (2015). Getting a good photo takes patience and luck. After nearly two years, I found the pair preoccupied with getting food that allowed me to take a couple of photos."